MCL is a research group in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UCL (University College London). Led by Dr. Ryan Wang, there are currently 15 members.
MCL aims to apply fundamental principles of catalysis and materials design in applications that can benefit society and the environment. Current work can broadly be divided into solid state batteries and heterogeneous catalysis (including electrocatalysis).
Our Research
Our primary research target is the understanding of materials structure-activity relationship in catalysis and energy storage. This is supported by the three fundamental pillars of our research: Materials discovery, reaction engineering and operando spectroscopy. Find a detailed description of our current projects under Research.
Latest News
August, 2020: We have returned to the lab at UCL after four months away!
Our paper on “Adsorption and activation of molecular oxygen over atomic copper(I/II) site on ceria” was published in Nature Communications and can also be found at:
Research Members Facilities Publications News Gallery